
PADI Pro-Kurse

PADI Pro KurseKurspreisBuchungsanzahlung
PADI Divemaster practical training

Divemaster Ausbildung in 2 Wochen

  • Ausbildung in Pool und Freiwasser
  • Theorie-Workshops
  • Übungen in realen Kursen und praktische Zenarien
  • PADI Navigations-Specialty
  • Suchen & Bergen Specialty
890 €225 €
PADI DSD Leader (for PADI Divemaster)
220,00 €50 €
IDC Prep Seminar (optional)

Vorbereitung zum IDC für unsichere Kandidaten

250 €

IDC OWSI + EFR-Instructor

1390 €225 €
PADI IDC Pro Ultra

IDC OWSI + EFR + Oxigen Provider + MSDT Prep.

2100 €225 €
PADI IDC Pro Ultra Plus

IDC Prep Course + IDC OWSI + EFR + Oxigen Provider + MSDT Prep.

2350 €225 €
PADI IDC only Assistant Instructor

onyl first part of IDC to PADI Assistent Instructor

500 €225 €
PADI IDC only OWSI f. PADI AI or Crossover

only part of IDC to PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor for participants who already have AI and EFRI

800 €225 €
PADI EFR Instructor

Emergency First Response Instructor incl. AED

300 €50 €
PADI IDC Master Scuba Diver Trainer (MSDT)

5 Specialty Instructor Licenses (EAN, Deep, Nav, Wreck, DUP)

200 €50 €
PADI IDC Staff Instructor
900 €225 €


PADI Material - 2024

Materialoffiz. PADI PreisATLANTIK Preis
PADI Divemaster Crew Pack with e-Learning (2024)

The crew pack includes the following materials:

  • 1 x DSD Slates
  • DM Slates
  • Pro Training Log

Divemaster e-learning included:

  • DM eLearning with Skill Demonstration videos
  • ReActivate
  • eRDPml
  • The Encyclopaedia of Recreational Diving
  • Digital Instructor Manual
391,75 €327 €
PADI IDC Candidate Crew Pack e-Learning (2024)

The crew pack includes the following materials:

  • Cue Cards - Confined Water, Aquatic (6 Slates)
  • Cue Cards - Adventures in Diving, Instructor (7 Slates)
  • Cue Cards - Open Water, Aquatic (5 Slates)
  • Cue Cards - Rescue Diver, Instructor (9 Slates)
  • Cue Cards - Instructor for Divemaster Course (4 Slates)
  • Slate - Open Water Lesson Preparation
  • Slate - Confined Water Lesson Preparation

The PADI IDC e-learning includes:

  • IDC eLearning
  • Diving Knowledge Workbook eLearning
  • PADI's Guide to Teaching
  • IDC Resources
  • OWD PLG's
  • OW, AOW, Resc & DM Exams
  • PPB & AWARE Specialty Instructor Guides
  • OLPC Tutorial
961,32 €690 €
PADI EFR Instructor Digital Crew Pack (2024)
350,35 €249 €


PADI Lizenzgebühren - 2024

PADI Divemaster Application
135 €P
PADI Assistant Instructor application
101 €P
PADI Divemaster DSD Leader Application
56 €P
PADI IDC Application
229 €P
PADI EFR Instructor Application
143,50 €P
PADI Specialty Instructor Application (trained by CD)
55 €P
PADI IE (Instructor Examination)

Ort und Termin von PADI bestimmt s. IE Kalender ProSite

785 €P

P) zahlbar direkt an PADI

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